Monday, 17 January 2011

Write 1 Sub 1

I have gone insane. Though I've said that I want to write more short stories this year, yesterday I went and did something about it - I've signed up for Write 1 Sub 1.

I'm aiming for writing and subbing a fiction a month (not that insane to choose the weekly option) and I'm going to start with editing and subbing To Reach the Dawn which, despite statements to the contrary, remains un-resubbed on my hard drive.


  1. Yay! Another W1S1! You can do it.

  2. Welcome aboard! It's going to be a great year of writing for all of us.

  3. That's a sweet looking badge you have there! The only way to score more publication credits is to submit more, so good on ya!

  4. p.s. I am joining you, but I've decided to go for the full insanity. Hooray!
